Small Bets Fundamentals

by Daniel Vassallo

A crash course about the small bets manifesto. Over the course of 3 sessions, we will go over the most important ideas around taming the uncertainty of business, taking prudent risks, and choosing projects that have a good chance of paying off. ...
A crash course about the small bets manifesto. Over the course of 3 sessions, we will go over the most important ideas around taming the uncertainty of business, taking prudent risks, and choosing projects that have a good chance of paying off. Ideas to be covered: 💼 Seeing work as an investment ☂️ The role of randomness 🌍 Two worlds 💸 Become a VC for your own ideas 🤏 What is a small bet? 🧺 Having a portfolio of small bets 🐄 Treat ideas like cattle, not pets 💪 Small wins 🏆 Success brings with it more success 💥 We don't learn much from failure 🤯 The definition of insanity 💭 Imagination is overrated 📚 Asset stacks 💡 Inspiration generators 🤑 Everything is marketing ⚖️ Survivorship bias ⚠️ Important, maybe necessary, but not sufficient 💯 Ergodicity ⛺️ A bias for survival 🧮 Probabilistic knowledge 🥊 Selection criteria 🎲 Speculative bets 📈 Asymmetric bets are not sufficient ⏳ Making time your friend ⛓️ Options not obligations 🧪 The dose-response relationship ❤️ Lifestyle-first work

Wednesday, November 06 2024 to Thursday, November 07 2024
3 sessions
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12 registered
Ching Tseng Haris Zulfiqar Prana Bolt Ignacio Barceló Neil D Vlad Cotfas Juraj Kostolanský Denis Loginoff ... and 4 more.