Creating Income through Real Estate

by Louie Bacaj

​​Louie Bacaj quit his job in Big Company to go all-in on entrepreneurship. ...
​​Louie Bacaj quit his job in Big Company to go all-in on entrepreneurship. But before he quit he took on a million dollars of debt. But not the bad kind, the good kind that earns money. He knew making money as an entrepreneur would not be easy. He set out to set up some recurring monthly income using the boring method of real estate. Louie bought three multi-family homes, 7 units in total, all using debt from banks and using the traditional mortgage process. The homes are rented and generate a few grand each month in cashflows, in addition, Louie lives for free because those rents cover his living expenses (mortgage, taxes, utilities, etc.) In this session, we will go over buying real estate, renting real estate, and the risks involved. We will also cover the optimal model so it takes as little time as possible to be a small-time landlord. All of that of course, so we can preserve our time for placing more small bets.

Tuesday, September 10 2024
11:00 PM
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